Welcome to SportsNostalgiaHQ. I’m Jim Burgess the main author and publisher of this site. I write about sports back in the day. As a forty-something sports fan, I find myself often thinking back on athletes, teams and seasons from years past. I hope this site can be a resource for you when you find yourself doing the same thing.
My favorite teams are the Patriots and the Celtics followed closely by the Red Sox and the Bruins.
As a kid, I cried when this happened…
But things have certainly been better for Boston sports fans since I became an adult. I count this moment as one of the greatest of my life…
And, luckily for me, there have been many more great moments for a Boston sports fan.
Being an older guy from the Boston area, it is fitting that my first two published articles were about Larry Bird. But I plan to write about athletes from a range of sports, cities and leagues going forward. Stay tuned…